5 Card Sets


Sets of 5 greeting cards. Cards come with envelopes and protective plastic sleeves.

All cards have species ID on the back.

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Birds of prey set includes: Northern harrier, osprey, peregrine falcon, red-shouldered hawk and swallow-tailed kite.

Red set includes: Northern cardinal, painted bunting, pileated woodpecker, red-headed woodpecker and rose-breasted grosbeak.

Blue set includes: Blue grosbeak, blue-gray gnatcatcher, indigo bunting, eastern bluebird and little blue heron.

Yellow set includes: Cedar waxwing, golden-crowned kinglet, great crested flycatcher, yellow-bellied sapsucker and yellow-billed cuckoo.

Black & White set includes: American white pelican, black & white warbler, common loon, hooded merganser and loggerhead shrike.

Green set includes: American wigeon, black-throated green warbler, green heron, mallard and female ruby-throated hummingbird

Brown set includes: Bachman’s sparrow, eastern towhee, hermit thrush, house wren and song sparrow

Art set includes: Great blue heron, prairie warbler, osprey, ruby-throated hummingbird and scarlet tanager edited to look like oil paintings.

Butterfly set includes: Common Buckeye, Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, Gulf Fritillary, Pipevine Swallowtail and Viceroy.